Monday 29 September 2014

What ideas do i have for 4th year?

Currently when I think about 4th year and my dissertation I keep getting brought back to what I did in 3rd year for creative research. I was using different media types and techniques while trying to overcome my own social acceptance with my art work.
I kept battling with myself with the use of watercolours and Photoshop to come up with interesting designs but also starting to build up on my own style which I never really got fine tuned.
I also think due to the use of mass media and the enjoyment I had for transmedia I feel it should play a role in my 4th year project.
Due to being part of curate the campus with my transmedia “Tree of Life” Interactive instillation I feel it will be a good starting point for things to inspire me for the year to come. Also bringing in the transmedia feel again to my work. 
At the moment I feel im leaning toward the idea of Transmeda and Social acceptance as I feel both play such a big role in my life since being at university. But also bringing my own style into it. 

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