Monday 6 October 2014

I feel like things have changed from when i first thought of with social acceptance of art.
When i first thought about it, it was personal and something i saw as that i was scared to show art or so art due to public/social side of being accepting it to being good art.

Not too sure its sitting right for me on doing something with it as i feel i understand it from doing it with my creative research project last year. But at the same time it still effects.

I feel like what i want to do this year is stopping me from going further in the sense that im scared to do anything encase its the wrong outcome for company's at the end of it. I feel im not inspired enough to do anything and its getting to the point i need to get out of this or im going to drown.

Im not sure i want to do anything in shock or horror art as i feel that's not what i want to be known for even though i think its cool i just feel like its not what i need. I dont even know what i want to do at the end of it.

I just want to do something people will like.

Also here the use of highlights and shadows have been done well to give depth.

Again here i think the use of negative and positive space has been treated well, something I want to consider in my art.

I really like these illustrations on the horror classics.
Samuel Araya

I also like the way Samuel has took lighting with shadows and highlights and negative space into consideration with his work, Quite like when i was looking at turner last year.

Brandon Heart

I love the style of this, very in style at the moment with illustrations for bands, prints, posters etc.
Can really see the unity in his work.

Horror Art

Love all these styles of art and there context

Inspiration shock art

Quite alot of different types from sculpture, light instillation, photography, painting.

The temptations to do something with my tree of life and spray paint it black and create a tree of death to show peoples own personal fears could be very interesting. I feel with it could play a part on my dissertation. Once again looking at what peoples thoughts are individually and as a group, will people look at others thoughts before they do there own? will this change what they thought?

Could be interesting to look into.


Today im doing a presentation on my two ideas for my dissertation.

So far the choice is between:

Social acceptance in art 
Transmedia and the digital world

For both i feel i want to have the under lying theme of Good vs Bad, Light vs Dark, Shadow Vs Highlights, Black vs White. 

This is due to the large amount of representations of this that are available in the art world for inspiration. Also that i know how it can change the perspective of something completely dependent on which is the focus point.

Week 5, Drawing space

This week we had kevin doing an experiment of listening to music and creating a visual from it.

From this i visualized the noise of a city from a far all blurred together creating a vibration effect, from that i thought of the noise from under a bridge listing to the cars going past against the quite of the water underneath.