Monday 29 September 2014

May be something to look at/include.


Marvel Transmedia

By Armen Gevorkian 335464 Marvel Publishing Inc. Is one of few publishing companies specialized in comics that has inflicted a huge impact on the world by creating characters such as ‘Iron-Man’

The implementation of Transmedia Storytelling by Marvel Comics

Social acceptance:

Social acceptance is the fact that most people, in order to fit in with the others, look and act like them. It stops (mostly) everyone from truly being themselves. It’s is also the reason most people look painfully average. See conformist.
Social acceptance destroyed the world.

Given the widespread popularity of social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn, theorizing and understanding the user attitude and usage behavior of social media site is fundamental in developing future understandings and deployment of these new technologies. One approach to such studies on drivers of social media usage behavior would be to revisit the technology acceptance model (TAM). The purpose of this paper is to discuss these issues.

Technology acceptance model

Here is an interesting Journal about social acceptance which brushes on social media.
In an annual information technology forecast released at the start of December, analysts with Stamford-based Garter predicted the super-heated investment market for consumer social media will cool within just two years - despite social media still representing an immature market today with businesses very much in an experimental phase.

Here is a link to a transmedia dissertation that i find rather interesting to read. Here he talks about transmedia and its change to peoples interaction.
This could be good to look back over to see if it could back up some of my ideas. 

 My work :

What ideas do i have for 4th year?

Currently when I think about 4th year and my dissertation I keep getting brought back to what I did in 3rd year for creative research. I was using different media types and techniques while trying to overcome my own social acceptance with my art work.
I kept battling with myself with the use of watercolours and Photoshop to come up with interesting designs but also starting to build up on my own style which I never really got fine tuned.
I also think due to the use of mass media and the enjoyment I had for transmedia I feel it should play a role in my 4th year project.
Due to being part of curate the campus with my transmedia “Tree of Life” Interactive instillation I feel it will be a good starting point for things to inspire me for the year to come. Also bringing in the transmedia feel again to my work. 
At the moment I feel im leaning toward the idea of Transmeda and Social acceptance as I feel both play such a big role in my life since being at university. But also bringing my own style into it.