Tuesday 30 September 2014


So having a talk with belinda she thinks it would be interesting to go back to my first idea of looking at social acceptance in art.

This would be quite a personal thing for me as its haunted me through most aspects of my life, especially in the art world. I feel looking into the sociology of this and doing this could benefit me and be interesting to see how my art grows from it.

Belinda then pointed out the 2 key words i mentioned  which were, shock value and interaction which she thinks could be good to play around with and create good work from.

Im not so convinced with myself with what i could create for this other than stuff that is interesting to me but not necessary from a job point of view from an employer. This is due to maybe they think thats all im for which its not ( In the sense of shock value). As much as im interested and like that idea of things it may not be best.

What i could do is look at the sock of good vs bad art work. what do people socially accept to be good or bad? could be a good interactive experiment.

So looking at Transmedia iv created a pros and cons list.

I feel strongly about this as i feel its such a huge topic i can do lots with it, But this could be a bad thing as i may get carried away.

The main thing that sticks out for me is coming up with a good narrative to start this on and worried this process may take too long for me to have a good outcome.

Back to the start.

So i wanted to take a step back and look at me again as i felt i was getting stuck/no where obvious with my ideas.

So i looked at what i want out of this and things that interests me.

Words i came up with for mixing up the two main ideas im thinking on doing.

Social acceptance through Transmedia.

Iv created a buzz word list of things i think my dissertation should include/be baised on/behind.

So here are my ideas so far:
With thoughts on what i like,
What i want to do/be known for when i finish.
Things i think im good at/ think i could do something cool with.

Not really sure what i should go for.

I then came up with the idea of does my actual Dissertation itself have to be just a booklet at the end of it?
Could i make it into a Transmedia project itself.



Things that keep occurring for me is social acceptance, as iv always been to scared to show my ideas/art there for i stop making art. Its a harsh circle im getting out of but its interesting to me to see what people think is socially accepting in the art world.

Next i feel that Transmedia would be good as there's so much i can do and show that im able to do with it. I love the thought of people interacting with art as i feel in this day and age its what can make the difference and change the idea/feeling behind something.

Overall im more worried about the end result. 
What do i want to show the world?

Week 4
This is my interpretation of the scarfs with watercolours and pencil.

Week 4, student set up of scarfs.

Personally this isnt something im interested in drawing as i was made to do this non stop in school.
I feel they could of been a bit more creative.

The final set up!

So just getting the area for the tree set up.

The idea is to come along 2 max at a time, in a dark low light quite space to help create the atmosphere i wanted.

The Tree Of Life
Getting the labels and pens set up for people.
The idea is for people to write down there thoughts/ideas behind the question:
"What does life mean to you?"

Week 2, Outcome

This was my interpretation on the tree. I used pencil, watercolour and pen.

Week 2

Week 2 our space was created by Belinda. 
This is where we get to get creative on a different subject matter each week.

Stage 6, Spray paint

I had alot of fun spraying the tree white, with help from another student with experience in spray painting.  It saved alot of time compared to if i hand painted it, But never realised how much it would use to cover it all.

Stage 5, Standing on its own

The tree manages to stand on its own, but sadly some arms couldn't stay up with the weight and support, The tree top also curled and sunk down.

Stage 4, Getting the arms up

This was very hard as with the papermache they were very weighted and needed something to keep them up.

Stage 3, Getting the top/arms to stay up

Stage 2, Middle section stabilising

Stage 1, Creating the foundation

Curate The Campus

So I took part of curate the campus and im really happy with the outcome. I feel it took alot more time than i thought as i was non stop with creating it and getting things ready for 3 weeks straight. Im proud of myself taking part in something i never thought i would be able to do due to my struggle with social acceptance and being scared to show people my work or share my ideas.

It was a long an tiring process, but i cant wait to see the outcome on October 10th, more photos to follow.