Tuesday 30 September 2014


So having a talk with belinda she thinks it would be interesting to go back to my first idea of looking at social acceptance in art.

This would be quite a personal thing for me as its haunted me through most aspects of my life, especially in the art world. I feel looking into the sociology of this and doing this could benefit me and be interesting to see how my art grows from it.

Belinda then pointed out the 2 key words i mentioned  which were, shock value and interaction which she thinks could be good to play around with and create good work from.

Im not so convinced with myself with what i could create for this other than stuff that is interesting to me but not necessary from a job point of view from an employer. This is due to maybe they think thats all im for which its not ( In the sense of shock value). As much as im interested and like that idea of things it may not be best.

What i could do is look at the sock of good vs bad art work. what do people socially accept to be good or bad? could be a good interactive experiment.

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