Friday 3 October 2014

Just now, 

I feel like im in between two ideas for what i want to do so im kind of looking into both and researching each option till i find exactly what i want to do. 

Social acceptance in art
Transmedia and digital world

Glad iv narrowed it down to these two options as i feel i can do alot with either. 

Social acceptance in art is more personal to me and more my flare right now but i feel it may not be a good idea in the long run for company's as they may think im too out there different not every professional media designer that there looking for.  Not wanting to be seen as the shock value out there art type that lives in there little bubble which i kind of am but may need to reach out of that bubble and grow. 

Transmedia and digital games i feel fits more what i want to do when i finish university. With this i feel i can look into graphics, advertisement including logos, posters, but also platforms such as games, online, card game, music etc. More what company's will look for as transmedia also is something fresh and new in the digital world. The only thing im worried about is there's not much writing i think i can do and story telling behind the transmedia may take too long for me to work out.

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