Friday 3 October 2014

Social acceptance in art

Im feeling this could be an interesting way for me to explore myself as social acceptance in art has effected me through my hole life of being too shy to show anyone my work encase its not right or good enough so then i get in a rut to then not create anything so i cant actually get any better. From being at university i feel iv grown from that but it will always haunt me. I think it would be interesting to look into the sociology of it as im sure i cant be the only one with this issue.

I also think it could be good to look into the social acceptance in art from what is seen as being visually correct. From these ideas im tempted to look into creating shock art of what created people to feel it and think is it acceptable or not. This can depend on subject matter where it is, who is viewing it etc. I could also look at shock in the form of bad art, and the shock of really well done art, dependent on viewer could this change?

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