Friday 3 October 2014

A lovely info graphic on the time line and interaction of the transmedia world of The Lord Of The Rings. Very nicely done.

Heres a Marvel world timeline and there interactions between there transmedia world.

Shock Art

A link to a web page of diff-rent shock artists including Sarah Lucas who is world known for her strange instillations. She one of the most known for shock value.

For social acceptance in art i feel a huge person to look at for shock value would be Damien Hirst. Known well for his abstract art he could be good for ideas and inspiration.

Image to keep in mind for interaction with transmedia.

Nice little chart on ideas behind transmedia such as Lord Of The Rings and Marvel.
Good to keep in mind if i go for it.

For Transmedia and the digital world iv looked up some books looking at the use of transmedia on diffrent platforms and how its changed the digital world forever. Then it also looks at the interaction and how its changed the way we are as humans.

Lots of useful information.

Another few books i feel would be good to look into for social acceptance.

I feel its important to look at diffrent aspects from marketing, sculpture, digital and more

Good to look into other peoples thoughts behind art, see what they think on social acceptance.

Kept these on RefWorks

Really interesting read, Feel like it could be good to look into further for social acceptance and art. Could be interesting to see how people are manipulated to think in a certain way.

Transmedia and the digital world

Transmedia and the digital world could be a fun way to be able to show various techniques and fine tune my art style and unity within different media platforms. I feel i could come up with some solid nice graphics to go along with the story and look into product design for further investment. i feel company's will be more inclined to view this work as transmedia is fresh interesting and very relevant in this day and age,

I feel for the written work it could be interesting to see peoples interaction to transmedia and look into the digital world behind it, do people pretend to be other people/persona on different media sites/platforms. Will they react differently to the different types of interaction. Can you see different parts of there personality come through. Also i could look into transmedia and participation. Are people more likely to use one platform alone with other groups more likely using more of a different type.

Held back on not knowing what my story will be to make the transmedia world spark off and flourish with opportunity. I quite like looking at the transmedia worlds of lord of the rings, marvel universe and how there's so many different little narratives that can be searched, looked into and interested and intertwined with.

However i feel this is something more interesting with more opportunity.

Social acceptance in art

Im feeling this could be an interesting way for me to explore myself as social acceptance in art has effected me through my hole life of being too shy to show anyone my work encase its not right or good enough so then i get in a rut to then not create anything so i cant actually get any better. From being at university i feel iv grown from that but it will always haunt me. I think it would be interesting to look into the sociology of it as im sure i cant be the only one with this issue.

I also think it could be good to look into the social acceptance in art from what is seen as being visually correct. From these ideas im tempted to look into creating shock art of what created people to feel it and think is it acceptable or not. This can depend on subject matter where it is, who is viewing it etc. I could also look at shock in the form of bad art, and the shock of really well done art, dependent on viewer could this change?

Just now, 

I feel like im in between two ideas for what i want to do so im kind of looking into both and researching each option till i find exactly what i want to do. 

Social acceptance in art
Transmedia and digital world

Glad iv narrowed it down to these two options as i feel i can do alot with either. 

Social acceptance in art is more personal to me and more my flare right now but i feel it may not be a good idea in the long run for company's as they may think im too out there different not every professional media designer that there looking for.  Not wanting to be seen as the shock value out there art type that lives in there little bubble which i kind of am but may need to reach out of that bubble and grow. 

Transmedia and digital games i feel fits more what i want to do when i finish university. With this i feel i can look into graphics, advertisement including logos, posters, but also platforms such as games, online, card game, music etc. More what company's will look for as transmedia also is something fresh and new in the digital world. The only thing im worried about is there's not much writing i think i can do and story telling behind the transmedia may take too long for me to work out.