Wednesday 3 December 2014

Changed the watercolour to more earth tones to see what feeling or sense it gave of. 

Norse Pattern test

Here i tried to represent a pattern for thors hammer. Works quite well with the watercolours coming through. 

Ideas Update

So now im thinking about how my work was more cliche and expected of the images i created of Valhalla and Helheim.

Im now thinking about using digital as a window to look onto traditional work.
This will be done by cutting geometrical shapes out to create a window on photoshop with the back layer being watercolours created for the image. This will then add in motion to give a better sence of the feeling of the environment.

I feel i want to be more abstract and liberating and playful than cliche


Here are representations of Helheim, this is the norse hell, the land is covered part by frost and part by fire and crimson sharp landscape. These are similar to the artisic representations of hell from all strains of mythology/theory.

Artistic representations of hell

Here are more artistic representations of hell, Again you can see a trend in colour, The warm and cold to give a sense of chaotic behavior. There still is also alot of detail in each image 
But are these all cliche to the idea of hell?

Artists envision of hell

Here if looked at different representations of hell, You can notice that there's a similarity use of colours, warm and cold to give sense and feeling of the heat and death and limbo. There all very detailed and quite chaotic to express the mayhem there is.

I feel that the colour link between them is impotent for mood and setting.

Test 2 -Gif

Faster movement for a more chaotic effect. 

Test 1 - Gif

Heres a gif of the test im doing, done in flash but will look better once done in after effects. 

Test 1

Created a cut out shape with watercolours coming through

Watercolour experiments