Monday 13 October 2014

Here is some in game images, you can see the colours work so well in complementing each enviroment type and still giving it a unique look and feel.

The art work is so beautiful and hand drawn so well and detailed.

Looking at the game Bastion.
The game has a hand painted look throught the environments, characters and ui which gives a nice unity

Week 6

Week 6,

This week i want to create environment art for a game, cards, logo as a mini project for a day or 2 as a test of how i feel doing that for the year.

I also want to create digital experiments form the watercolour/ink tests iv done then see if i can turn them into graphics.

Lastly if i want to stick with a transmedia story think of the narrative of mythology from Viking story's. This is due to there being lots of storys and adaptations i can take into consideration that have no known imagery also due the the fan base that follows norse tales.

Also the fact i have an interest too.

Hopefully by week 7 i will have a better idea of what i want to do but also some more work to show my experimentation.

One about me, quite nice to hear :D

One that especially made me laugh/relate too

Some of the not so inspiring ones hahaha!

Heres some of the tags with peoples ideas of "what life means to you"

Really interesting that alot has to do with relationships, be it be family, friends and all loved ones.

The end of curate the campus,
So many people have put up there thoughts on what life means to them,
Couldnt be happier.