Tuesday 11 November 2014


So i feel like this project should look into things such as :

The change from traditional to digital
traditional and digital art techniques
traditional art in a digital world
traditional game art
digital narrative
viewers perception


traditional art techniques
the rise of digital technologies
new digital techniques
combining traditional and digital art
traditional game art
digital narrative
viewers perception

Not sure yet which layout

Week 10

So where im at now:

Looking back i feel im doing something cool mixing watercolours into Photoshop environments and works well together, i still feel there's lots more room to play around. I would like to finish this week by doing the rest or at least a few more worlds and get this part finished with by the end of week 11.

I think once iv done this id like to look into patterns, and then into the use of all these images and see where i want to go from there.

I also would like to more detailed images and get my drawing up to a better standerd.
What im doing is quite interesting and i feel im slowly getting into something pretty cool.


Week 10 is here!

So this week we had me and Simone doing the instillation for the class.
Simone asked if she could use the time to help out with her project and get people to do hand prints and right down times that they felt someone had made a difference to them, and she would re work them into personal images. 

Only issue is the paint didnt want to come off.