Monday 27 October 2014

Week 8

This is the instilation for week 8, Quite fun for halloween this week!
Feel like id like to do this in photoshop this week to mix things up!


Next step.

So here i am thinking about these tales, And i think id like to visualise the universe tree, do some maps, and visualise each world of these lands.
Think i could so some cool things with it. Make nice icons, illustrations, game art etc.

I also want to look into the norse tales of each to make a more visual impact and meaning.

Task for this week!!


This is a concept for Helheim, the hell or underworld of norse mythology,
Love the style, the colours, very warm rock based spiritual area.


Niflheim Is land of the frost giants, It lays just on the same plains as hel. 
Cold horrible land. 

More concept art of Jotunheim


Jotunheim is the land of the giants, Very ice land, very jagged, cold and harsh.


Nidavellir is land of the dwarfs, vey cave life, underground, live in holes in the ground to say.
Earthy stone colours, warming vibes but cold of the stone.

Some concept art for svartalfar. A mix of cold and warm colours, giving a harsh look on the land, a mix of sense of mayhem in the air.


Very cold, jagged land, land of the dark elfs and dwarfs. Very high jagged mountains.

Here's the long boats in the land of Midgard, So interesting and carved by hand with lovely designs.


The land of humans and trolls.
Love this cute map, could play around with something like this.

Hears another concept on Alfheim, Like the colours and shapes of the environment.
very flowing, natural shapes.


Alfheim is land of the elves, very earthy, green and white clean lands and close to nature.


This is someones visual for vanaheim

Love this style


Love these design and style for Asgard. Think ill need to draw up my own and see what i can do in photos hop aswell.

This design of the Universe tree can been seen on alot of designs and jewellery still today.

I think the pattern and design is really nice and could be enhanced in some ways, the repetition adds to the visual.


Visuals of Yggdrasil.

Yggdrasil is the "World tree", a gigantic tree and central pillar that binds connects binds the 9 worlds of the Universe together. Also know as The name Yggdrasil translates as:Ygg "terrible" + drasil "steed". Yggr is another name of Odin, giving a meaning of "Odin's steed"
Yggdrasil was known as the Irminsul to the contenental Germanic tribes, and historically, was an oak or wooden pillar venerated by the Saxons which was said to connect heaven and earth. The name Irminsul is translated as "mighty Pillar"and is derived from "IRMIN" the ancient contenental Saxon name for Odin (Old Norse: Jörmunr). Thus it represents a cosmic balance, order, personal power, spiritual creativity, growth, and hidden knowlage.
The ancient symbol of the cosmic tree Irminsul / Yggdrasil still continues to be widely honoured up to modern times at Yuletide in the disguised and Christianized form of the Christmas Tree.

Appearing in ancient sacred images associated with Odin. The "knot of the slain" is the symbolic sign of the coming together of the powers from the 9 worlds of the universe. This is the symbol of Odin, showing his power to bind or loosen the minds and souls of man, subtly affecting the knotted web of fate as he lays bonds upon them, so that they become helpless in battle, or he could loosen the grip of fear by his gifts of intoxicating battle-madness and divine inspiration.

The Sheildknot and its variants are a powerfull symbol of protection. This symbol is still in use today in Scandinavian countries to mark off protected sites of archeological importance and ancient cultural heritage.

I feel this could be the start of some nice pattern work. 


The Fylfot (meaning "four footed") is Mankinds oldest and mightiest power symbol, appears nearly world wide in some form. There are thousands of variants of this mighty symbol in the Germanic Heathen tradition and is commonly swirling in both clockwise and counterclockwise forms without any change in meaning.
Associated with fire and lightning, the Fylfot is particularly holy to Thor, and is a potent symbol of dynamic cosmic power, and unstoppable swirling strength of the will, invoking his might & protection. This motif occurs frequently throughout the lands of the wide ranging Teutons since the early Bronze Age and are prominent on cremation urns and carved memorial grave stones with early Runic inscriptions, seeking Thor's protection in the afterlife.

Shame its been tainted in this life. 

Another way to look at the way the 9 worlds work.

Time periods

Heres the changes and different mythology's and time periods with how they are similar but as time goes on it gets more complicated, quite interesting.

Universe Tree

Another nice visual of the different stages of the world put into diff rent parts of the tree.
Colours work very nice and sits nice.

Lovely visual of the worlds. Includes everything, nice story in itself.

9 worlds

Looking up the 9 worlds according to norse mythology. the visuals created for these are quite interesting. as you can see the balance of all the worlds.

Week 8

Sorry week 7 i just wasn't feeling too great, but week 8 now and im feeling much better! think my body needed a rest.

So this week i want more sketchbook work, try out some enviroments and look in depth of norse poems/tales.

I then want to think of ways id visualise them and start creating them,