Monday 8 December 2014

End of semester 1

Bellow is for semester 1 - Enjoy!

So whats next?

Well i feel iv created some images that work really well and some that don't but i think that's quite interesting in its self. I feel iv stepped away from cliche and created some of my very own interpretations of hel through form, shape and colour. I feel the use of traditional art watercolours really gives texture and life to each of the designs.

What i want to next is create some designs from the songs iv looked into and use watercolours as a window into traditional art and to give body and soul to the design. Once a couple of these are created id like to look into making these images into gives or at least have some form of movement as i feel it could bring a new interesting element to the images.

I feel right now my main art influence has gone back to tradition at looking deeply into Willam Turner as i feel he has influenced the way i create art and am conscious of colour and light.

Hopefully next semester i will be able to push myself as hard as i have in the last 2 weeks due to my circumstances over the last month and can come up with some really interesting art.

Finished piece!

Got it! Exactly how i wanted it :D

I think the shape and colour give it movement and sense of feeling. Love it!

Still not getting what result i want.

Like these but somethings still not right...

New geometric shape - This is going to be a challenge 

Not to sure on this design

Wasnt too fun or feel like anything good came out of this one.

Experimenting with the layers

Another shape test.

Love these last few

Pushing further

Changing things slightly

Trying out geometric shapes again, love this design

Little test on geometric shapes again with use of norse patterns

Playing around

Quite soft and fun, colours work well. 

Norse Jewllery

Jewllery design

Like both of these.